8 Important Steps to Write a Great Blog Article

write great blog article

The steps to write a great blog Article is not always easy to understand and you may wonder where to start or what to say.

There are several benefits in Blogging:

- This establishes an Authority: you become a (an) expert (s) in your field

- This generates traffic on your site

The benefits of blogging are so huge you'd be crazy to have a blog. However, there are many components to a blog to be successful.

Follow these 8 steps :

1 - Write what you think :

There are many, many people who believe that they are not "authors, editors, writers. "In short, blogs are just your thoughts and advice in writing (or video, pictures or even recording a podcast into a microphone so that the world can hear you).

When you put your thoughts on paper, something magical happens. The inspiration takes you to places that you never thought you'd go. Start by writing what you think.

2 - Put yourself in the minds of readers :

Ask yourself, "what is the number One thing that I want the reader to learn by reading this article? "Write with a concept in mind - do not be overwhelmed with a bunch of different ideas. Keep all these other ideas for other articles. Stay focused on a concept, a solution, a story that will make your readers come back more often.

3 - An Article Title attractive that we have to want to click and share :

You only have one opportunity to capture the attention of your readers and it is in your title. There are many formulas to write good songs, and study the securities has been a hobby for me. One of my favorite formula is:

Number + Adjective + Keyword + Logic + Promise

  • Figures attract readers: "10 tips for ..."
  • Use adjectives like "Amazing, Ultimate, powerful, Exciting,; Exciting ... "
  • Use logic with words like tips, reasons, principles, components etc.
  • Use trigger words like "Why", "How"
  • Make a Promise "10 powerful tips to help you ..."
  • Shorten your title to prevent Google to shorten for you
  • Include a keyword when possible because you always want to have organic traffic

4 - Tell a Story :

There simply is nothing more than a fascinating history. The stories depict an image and evoke emotions in the reader. Blogs are at the top when there are good stories, it creates confidence and it brings people together.

If you are an entrepreneur blogger, the best way to illustrate why people buy from you is to tell stories speaking of your daily interactions with customers.

5 - Capture your readers with your first paragraph :

The role of a title is to make people read your first paragraph. The role of the first paragraph is that they continue to read!

Your opening paragraph should have two components: Expertise and Empathy.

6 - Use attractive Images :

Image help to tell stories. Sometimes pictures are stories. Include a compelling image in your article so that people who learn visually (65% of your readers) connect with your article.

Another important reason to include a picture is that when you publish it on the Social Media, your content can attract attention in the Facebook News Feed, Twitter or Google+.

7 - Readability :

Many people browsing your article. Some read 50% and some will read everything. Your article must be readable for every type of reader:

  • Divide long paragraphs and a little space
  • Use subtitles
  • Use bullets (as here)

8 - Optimized for search engines :

Blog articles are valuable for two reasons:
  1. Readers read while surfing the net.
  2. Search engines are looking for recent and relevant content when they rank sites and blogs are the best to provide this type of content.
You can spend time to understand exactly how to optimize your blog Article for search.

Now that you have learned the 8 steps needed to write a great blog Article, take a moment and write down the topics you want to write.

Hopefully this article has been helpful.

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8 Important Steps to Write a Great Blog Article 8 Important Steps to Write a Great Blog Article Reviewed by Nicole on April 05, 2015 Rating: 5

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