SEO Trends 2015

Seo Trends 2015

What are the SEO Trends 2015?

Let's start with the content and its impact on SEO.

When I talk about content, I speak mainly texts on a site.
Obviously, the content of some pages can consist of videos, pictures, but overall the text remains a must for anyone who wants to seek visibility, Google is like that, its algo is most effective with words.

When talking about words, you can take the term loosely. A domain name, it is already of words, a named entity, basically a word. In short, the word is a darling of Google.

You said quality content?

I always have a little trouble to get the concept of quality in the head of my interlocutors because the impact of the quality will play both ways.

First for the visitor:

Because if Google is not very good at recognizing a premium quality text first, the visitor him make the difference. And the visitor, it's still her that we try to convince to perform an action on the site.
But beware, the concern is that a visitor to another, the perception of the quality can vary. In this sense, it will be very attentive to the needs of the specific target that we aim, and not make the all-comers.

One example would be the site of a dentist. To adequately respond to the expectations of his colleagues and individuals, a theme could probably be treated in two ways. A page with a medical language adapted to his colleagues, and another with the language every day to be understood by everyone (internal links between the two pages are also more ...)

But for Google:

And for Google, the quality is very relative. From my experience, it depends primarily on the authority's website. But Google takes into account other criteria, the concern is that they are processed by a machine and a machine reasoning mathematically, then the quality ...
Still, software can handle semantic concepts, vocabulary used in a text will have major importance. To go further, I invite you at Christian Meline to play crosswords.

What trends to produce quality content for visitors AND Google?

Produce, produce and still produce.

Why produce so much? To maximize the granularity of your content. The more you approach a subject with precision in a page, the more it is likely to respond to a specific search. And the more you go up in your tree, the more you will form more global issues that will address your subjects on a more general level.

Not only you will satisfy your visitors that you will find an expert who deals with issues in depth, but as a bonus, the internal mesh that you will make in your pages for a given topic comprehensively tackled reassure Google because you have created clusters revolving around the same theme pages.

Focus on the expectations of the visitor.

I wonder how many times I have uttered the phrase "what questions are your targets? What are their problems?

I have already discussed the importance of its targets, but in two words, answer their questions! Go from simple to more complicated. For the year, focus on three hours these potential issues, and you'll find that you'll probably have about a 50 to 100 pages of content.

I have seen a tweet seocamp Friday I found smart, he basically said that it is better to think in terms of "resources" for the visitor rather than "content." I totally agree with this idea.

Think of Google at the same time as visitors.

If it is desired that one of its pages is "row" in the right cluster at Google, the search for the most suitable word corpus is advised. So take a little time to see what the vocabulary contained in pages that are positioned on each query you're targeting. Complete and beef up the lexical field of your texts.

This similarity of words in a context consistent pleases no doubt Google and also will reassure your visitors (provided once again meet their problems).

To finish with the content, I will not dwell on it, but know that in general, visitors hate unfinished content (an unanswered question in a forum for example), and do not like to return home the same content than in others. Google and many of the same reasons ...

Let us not forget either that interesting content is more easily shared, and sharing is traffic!

We talk a little netlinking?

The second very large lever SEO, it is incoming links. Yes, but ...

I will not lecture you again, because you must have realized that the search links has become particularly risky. Google has managed to implement a policy of linking that thrilled due to SEOs.

  • The links from media or penalized poor quality serve you more than he probably benefit you.
  • The links made from these themed blogs (which replaced the CP sites) in which each item contains obviously a sham link will no doubt be penalized in the months or years ahead.
  • The links on optimized anchors have become the best way to get denounce and chopper. And it is even a way to penalize a competitor.
  • Penguin just around the corner to each of its upgrade, and it may also be that integrated the algorithm for continuous operation.

Focus on quality.

  • When was the last link that you got a site that is not squatted by SEO?
  • When was the last link that you got by anything other than a back link to your touch?
  • When was your last work identifying sites from which it would be desirable to have a link? And have you brains to know how?
By definition, quality is more rare. So of course, get a link from a site that is authoritative will take you time, lots of time, and probably ask you imagination. But the quality is the price!

so start paying attention to these SEO trends 2015

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SEO Trends 2015 SEO Trends 2015 Reviewed by Nicole on April 11, 2015 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Very informative blog!!
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