You work on your texts, on the content of your blog. And when you look at the statistics, users are still a few seconds and then leave.
1, you say that you worked for few results (which is not true because Google sees your content), and 2, you wonder how to keep your visitors longer.
five strategies to increase the time spent on your site:
1- Ask questions and respond to comments :
This technique facilitates the engagement of players. You can, for example, writing at the end of post: "what do you think? ". Internet users will come back for sure to see the other answers.2- Help your readers :
If your users ask you questions about the articles, consider them to meet individualized and personalized way. With this, you are building your reputation and you create loyal readers.3- Create a conversation :
What do you think of my writing style? The tone of my articles is it nice? ... Engage in conversation with your readers and make casts an atmosphere as in reading groups or in privatized conferences.4- Collect email address :
Visitors who register to your blog via e-mail is very likely to come back and stay longer on your blog. To collect these emails, you can offer an ebook or PDF in exchange for their email address.5- Related Posts :
Adding a widget that displays posts related article consulted, you ensure longer visits.
How To Keep Your Blog Visitors Longer?
Reviewed by Nicole
March 05, 2015