Change the Blogger Favicon without touching the HTML code

blogger favicon

How To Change The Blogger Favicon

It is now possible to edit and add a custom favicon to blog in Blogger without having to edit the HTML code.
Favicon for those who do not know, is a small icon (16x16 sizes, 32x32, 48x48 or 64x64) displayed in the address bar on the left and is used to give an identity to a blog or website.

For many bloggers, have a custom favicon (the little image in the browser window or tab) is the final touch that connects design to the identity of a very nice blog. Today we are pleased to announce that Blogger users can now add a custom favicon for their blog.

Once you have your favicon ready, follow these steps to change the Blogger:
1- Log in to your Blogger.
2- Click Layout, Then Click favicon at the top:

favicon layout
3- A small window will appear where you can upload your favicon

4- After Uploading Favicon, click Save and here is the favicon is changed and you can see it in the browser address bar by refreshing the page of your blog.

Note: This supports only .ico files, but you can easily convert your JPEG, PNG, or other non-ico image file using your image editing software like Photofiltre offering in its tools conversion option .ico. There are also many online conversion tools and sites that offer ready-to-download favicons and you choose the one that suits the theme of your blog.
Change the Blogger Favicon without touching the HTML code Change the Blogger Favicon without touching the HTML code Reviewed by Nicole on March 13, 2015 Rating: 5
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